Every day, each one of us works. We care for significant others, children, pets, and favorite plants. Millions of us have commitments to churches, civic groups, non-profits, private organizations, public institutions, and the political sector. In our spare time, some of us watch our favorite television shows. Many of us make time for friends and hobbies. Our neighbors look for socks that were lost in the laundry. Millions of us commute. Plenty of us floss. Some of us make dinner. Others order take out. A few of us read the newspaper. And all the while, we’re bombarded with messages from multiple email and voicemail accounts, social media websites, and the hefty piles of mail that greet us when we finish our work.

Amid this whirlwind of activity, so many of us deeply yearn for quiet. We hunger for time to think, reflect or pray, and simply be. We want a quiet mental space. We wish to savor the simplicity of stillness. Logistically Leah intends to provide you with ideas, tips, and thoughts on maintaining a sense of order that, in turn, should help you carve out quiet time each day. After all, an organized life isn’t about being perfect – it’s about being peaceful. A little advance planning goes a long way, and Logistically Leah takes us on a shared learning adventure about living an organized life.

Who is Leah Eggers?

Leah Eggers loves being organized the same way some people love chocolate. Seriously. She loves that satisfying feeling that comes from opening a cabinet door and knowing that its organized contents are sure to be easily visible and accessible. Although this hasn’t always been true, she enjoys packing luggage. She believes in minimizing the time spent in grocery store aisles (unless, of course, she wants to browse). She knows that regardless of a project’s size, timing, or level of involvement, planning ahead makes all the difference. In short, she loves living her organized life to the fullest. At the behest of friends, she’s now sharing this passion with others to encourage their pursuit of organizational and logistical bliss.

Keep in Touch

Logistically Leah is a free resource for you to read and pass along to friends and family. If there’s a story you’d like us to pursue, a poll you want us to take, tips you’d like to share with us, or feedback you wish to voice, don’t hesitate to chime in.

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